2024 marina rate survey

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The BLCA survey conducted in the summer of 2023 revealed member concerns regarding the availability and pricing for Marina services on Blackstone Lake. Given that there is only one Marina on the Lake some residents expressed concerns relative to increasing pricing and the risks associated with a single source provider.

Anglers Inn announced their 2024 pricing via email to Blackstone Lake docking customers on May 3rdand the BCLA immediately began to receive significant concerns from members relative to the increased pricing, access to the boat launch and property, which was reported to have been gated and padlocked until May 1st, with no alternative or options provided. Further customers were frustrated by the lack of response (or delays) to email contact made prior to May 1st requesting earlier access, etc.

Anglers Inn (AI), the provider of Marina services for Blackstone Lake is a valued member of the BCLA and has willingly provided detailed information to rationalize their position on all issues.

Currently the BCLA Water Access Committee has a subcommittee that has been meeting with Anglers Inn to review and represent the BCLA membership relative to a number of issues, many mutual between AI and their customers.


The purpose of this report is to conduct a (high level) survey to help all members compare marina services in the Parry Sound district.

It is important to note that this was a simple telephone call to the Marinas to get basic information. Recognizing that this is a very busy time, we wanted to minimize the time we were taking for a survey to support our own needs and not a value add to their businesses.

Thus, the information could be subject to variances as every situation is unique.


We contacted several Marinas in the district and have attached a chart with the results.

Where possible we captured 2023 data as well from previous records. Marinas were asked for their docking fees for a standard (20ft/medium) size boat plus one car. We also asked if a second parking space was available and what cost. Finally, we engaged in a short conversation to understand dates around opening and closing or length of season and any additional fees that might be charged. Marinas have different calculations for docking fees, some by length of boat or some simply by small/large. We have tried to make reasonable comparatives, but every business is unique so results could vary.

We also contacted Payne Marina and Desmadon Marina as those were both quoted in Anglers response to support their pricing. They are both however, geographically outside of the area that we chose to survey.


You can review the results of price analysis here. With Gordon Bay extremely high at $3,700 for 2024. They did state that pricing would vary if a customer chose them for storage and servicing. As this was not criteria at other marinas, it is not factored in. Also not surveyed or accurately captured were the services available (ie gas and retail) unless volunteered.

The remainder of the field reflects pricing lower than Anglers Inn. Many marinas did volunteer much of the same information and concerns that Anglers Inn reported and are facing, including rising cost of materials for repair and replacement. This definitely resulted in most marinas increasing prices over last year.

That said, the cottagers on Blackstone have experienced price increases of 25-35% for 2024 on basic services, on pricing that was already higher than area marinas (see 2023 pricing) and a reported increase of over 100% over the past 5 years.

It is important to acknowledge that every business has the right to set their own pricing, however, customers do expect, that when no alternative is available, then pricing would be fair.

Secondly, the TOA owns their own Marina, Holiday Cove, on Georgian Bay. If we assume the TOA has done studies to determine market pricing, then the Blackstone cottagers are paying considerable above ‘market’ as determined by TOA’s price structure.

While the survey does reflect pricing at various Marinas, it is simply, information. It perhaps simply confirms their concerns and supports their desire for an alternative for access to their water access cottages.