2024 Civic Holiday updates

In this issue

  • Health and Safety team to the rescue!

  • Prepare for the Annual General Meeting!

2024 Annual General Meeting - August 11, 2024

9:30a.m. -11:30 a.m. Location 47 Blackstone

Water (Myrtle Island)

Our thanks to Kevin McCarthy for volunteering to host this year. No zoom option this year. There are two docking areas, one on each side of the island. But docking space will be tight, so boat pooling is encouraged. If folks are comfortable being dropped off, we can even arrange valet service home by pontoon boat. Weather permitting, the meeting will be outdoors with chairs for all. Refreshments served.

President’s Message

Is it just me or are the long weekends coming too fast? And our annual general meeting is only a week away. Thanks to Mary Hudson for commissioning and installing our signage. And thanks to all involved in the planning.

Everyone should be aware that we have had two significant health emergencies on the lake this season, and in both cases, our volunteer response network responded well and helped get folks the care needed. Everyone should familiarize themselves with the emergency response procedures found on our website. We will continue to beef up our health and safety supports as best we can. Important to know the fire protocols too, as the risk rating has moved to HIGH.

We have also have a new website and url. Blackstonelakeca.ca We’ve updated web functionality to simplify membership and newsletter administration. Please have a look as there is some pre-reading for the annual general meeting (updated corporate bylaws).

Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend, and hope to see many of you nextweek.

Gotta pay your dues!

We now have online forms to apply for membership or add names to the mailing list.


Electronic contactless payment of annual dues very much appreciated. E-transfer $100.00 to blackstone.lake115@gmail.com. Your dues must be paid to have a legal vote at the AGM or other member meetings.

Catch up on the latest from…

Your Board of Directors from all parts of the lake:

Kathy Watts, Barbara Metelka, Andy Metelka, Cheryl Ward, Lisa Lucas, Matt Hackett, Erik Mathiesen


2024 AGM reminder and homework


July 2024 update