July 2024 update

In this issue

  • Interest in a Social Committee? First event July 26

  • Time to pay your dues, new bylaws, annual meeting etc.

  • Thank you Katrina Krievins and Georgian Bay Biosphere

Blackstone Lake Cottagers Association Social Committee

Greetings! We hope you are enjoying your days at the lake. We all tend to be busy up here with our projects to make good use of our fleeting summer. The association thought we could use a break from the routine. Why not reach out with the purpose of getting better acquainted? One of our ideas was a book club. Well, a book and beverage club… and with that, some lively banter. Hence, our BB & B.

Please, bring your current read, a refreshment of choice and join us for our inaugural meeting.

Friday July 26 at the Metelka cottage, 63 Tolpt’s Road in McRoberts Bay

  • Kathy Watts can pick up anyone who is water access (blackstone.lake115@gmail.com), just contact her to let her know.

  • Time – 3 o’clock to 6-ish

  • Please RSVP to Barb, bmetelka@gmail.com (cottage phone – 705-378-0350)

  • Next one will be at Kathy’s cottage on August 23 so we can keep this going!

Gotta pay your dues!

An updated 2024 dues payment and membership application can be found on our website and this will soon be an online form. Electronic contactless payment of annual dues very much appreciated. E-transfer $100.00 to blackstone.lake115@gmail.com. Your dues must be paid to have a legal vote at the AGM or other member meetings.

Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting
August 11, 2024

9:30a.m. -11:30 a.m. Location 47 Blackstone Water (Myrtle Island)

Our thanks to Kevin McCarthy for volunteering to host this year. More detail around docking logistics, boat-pooling etc. will be provided in due course.

Those who are interested in joining the board are asked to express their interest by email to blackstonelakeca@gmail.com.  Lot’s going on and different ways to get involved.

Catch up on the latest from the Township

Good info on capital gains tax rate changes, ticks and proposed bylaws and other irritants.


2024 Civic Holiday updates


Explore Our Shores 2024!